Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chronicles of a Runner....

Welcome to my blog, Chronicles of a Runner. I guess that I could say that I am a novice runner when it comes to the sport. I will be using this blog to post my experiences and my challenges as a runner. I also look forward to your advice, ideas and opinions about the sport.

The sport of running wasn’t always a favorite of mine. During my high school years, I would occasionally run; I was a member of the Junior Army ROTC. Soon after high school I joined Army National Guard, were I continued to run, I really didn’t have much of a choice, being this was form of endurance training. After completing my military service, I would occasionally run a couple miles to keep fit. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I pondered the idea of running a marathon for my 30th birthday, sort of away to start my thirties with a different goal, a unique challenge. A colleague of mine felt that this was a good idea and encouraged me to complete this challenge. Since Then, I have run two marathons.

Los Angeles Marathon, March 2006

My first marathon was the Los Angeles Marathon. Why a marathon? I have been asked this question many times. As I explained earlier, a new challenge, one that would leave a lasting impression. I must say I left a memorable experience, one that I don’t regret ever. Training is crucial, I understood that I need to prepare my self for this challenge; I just never know how I was going to be tested. I learn to believe that there is a science to completing certain challenges, running is not for any one. Much is involved in running from the shoes, the amount of water to hydrate to the mental state of mind. The reward of completing this challenge would be the greatest feeling in the world. Never had I I felt so satisfied, it was undescribable. More to come....